IKF aims for eliminating doping in sport, as well as protecting its athletes and the values of a clean sport, in compliance with WADA rules.
Anti-doping constitutes a range of activities aimed at eliminating doping in sport, as well as protecting clean athletes and the integrity and values of sport. To this end, it is the duty of all related personnel, not only the athletes, to concern themselves with and promote anti-doping activities.
The World Anti-Doping Code (WADA) defines the following ten anti-doping rule violations:
- Presence of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers in an athlete’s sample
- Use or attempted use by an athlete of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method
- Evading, refusing, or failing to submit to sample collection
- Tampering or attempted tampering with any part of doping control
- Failure to notify whereabouts for out-of-competition testing
- Possession of any prohibited substance or a prohibited method
- Trafficking or attempted trafficking in any prohibited substance or prohibited method
- Administration or attempted administration to any athlete of any prohibited substance or prohibited method
- Assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, conspiring, covering up or any other type of intentional complicity involving an anti-doping rule violation
- Association in a professional or sport-related capacity with a person who has been involved in an anti-doping rule violation