ONLINE IKF Membership Application

Name of the Kempo Organization: (required)
Logo: (jpg, gif, png, max 500 Kb)
National anthem: (mp3, max 1 Mb)
Legal status (Ltd. Co / Non profit association): (required)
Registration number: (required)
Date of the legal foundation: (required)
Official language of your Organization: (required)
Official adress: (required)
Telephone (with country code): (required)
Fax number (with country code):
Email Address: (required)
President’s name: (required)
President’s adress: (required)
President’s telephone (with country code):
President’s fax number (with country code):
President’s email: (required)
Secretary General’s name: (required)
Secretary’s adress: (required)
Secretary’s telephone (with country code):
Secretary’s fax number (with country code):
Secretary’s email: (required)
In order to take the right decision concerning your application form, please answer to the following questions:
Are there, in your country, other organizations (not individuals, not clubs, just National organizations composed by more than 3 clubs) operating in Kempo / Kenpo ? (required) Yes
If the answer is YES, please give the name of the most important and the largest 3 of them:
Is your organization member of other International organizations ? (required) Yes
If the answer is YES, please give the names of the most important and largest 3 of them:
Is your KEMPO Organization an independent organization ? (required) Yes
If the answer is NO, please give the name of your Federation which you are member in and explain in few words which is the legal relation between you:
Is your organization (or the Organization you are member in) recognized by the govern, by the Ministry of Sports, by the National Olympic Committee or by your local sport or administrative authorities ? (required) Yes
If the answer is YES, please give these authorities names:
Is your Organization (or the Organization you are member in) sustained financially by the state, by the Ministry of Sports, by the National Olympic Committee or by any other local sport or administrative authorities ? (required) Yes
If your answer is YES, please give few details about it:
How many CLUBS, juridical persons, are affiliated at your Organization ? (required)
Do your Organization organize national seminars, camps, gatherings ? (required) Yes
If the answer is YES, please nominate the last 3 events organized and eventually the approximate number of participants:
Do your Organization organize National Championships, Cups, Tournaments ? (required) Yes
If the answer is YES, please nominate the last 3 events organized and eventually the approximate number of participants:
If you have any other important details or comments to send , please fill this field:
Secure code
Enter the code above
You will be soon contacted by IKF Headquarter, after sending this Application Form.